This morning Corinne Boter defended her PhD-thesis Dutch Divergence? Women’s work, structural change, and household living standards in the Netherlands, 1830-1914, at Wageningen University. Over the past 4 years, Corinne has worked on a dissertation studying the work of Dutch women and children in the Netherlands ca. 1830-1914. She collected a vast amount of historical data, which she analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Her most important findings include that the participation of women in the Dutch labour market was more likely influenced by demand-side factors, such as the level of industrialization and the sectoral use of particular forms of cheap labour, than by the influence of social norms, as has been proposed by many historians. The reading committee unanimously decided that the degree of doctor should be granted to Corinne, and lauded her for her lucid writing style and clear and confident presentation.
For the complete recordings of the defence, click this link