As of 15 June 2017, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk (RHI) has been appointed as special chair ‘Comparative History of Households, Gender and Work’ at Radboud University, Nijmegen (0.2 fte). This special chair has been made possible by the Unger-Van Brero Fund (, which aims to promote research in social and economic history in the Netherlands.
Profile of the chair
By combining both qualitative and quantitative empirical methods, this chair intends to establish a broad comparative view of long-term patterns in the economic activities of men, women and children. This approach not only allows for macro-perspectives of how labour relations changed, but also enables us to distinguish long-term patterns and understand how the respective members of households negotiated their labour, consumption and reproduction options within the given constraints of the different power relations – defined in terms of gender, age, class, ethnicity and colonial relations – with which they had to cope. Van Nederveen Meerkerk’s broad chronological and geographical scope, ranging from the early modern period to the present, and her experience with global comparative research, both individually and in teams, will be highly complementary to the work that is currently being done in the ESDG at Radboud University.
Ha Elise, van harte! Ga je ook nog oreren? Zo ja, dan kom ik graag!
Yep! Datum en uitnodiging volgen nog, maar wordt vermoedelijk wel 2018…